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Welcome to RCSI Digital Heritage Collections

Discover a growing body of digital material and online resources exploring the history of RCSI and the development of medicine in Ireland from RCSI Heritage Collections. 

RCSI Heritage Collections collects, preserves, and curates material relating to the history of RCSI since 1784 and to the development of medicine and surgery in Ireland more generally.

RCSI Digital Heritage Collections hosts a growing body of digital material and online resources relating to the history of RCSI and Ireland’s medical heritage. Explore and interrogate never-before-seen digitised material from the archives, uncover the extraordinary individuals and events in RCSI history that have shaped the development of healthcare and society at local, national and international level through a series of curated virtual exhibitions, and discover stories from Ireland’s medical past in the RCSI Heritage Collections blog.

Featured Collections

Explore collection highlights and discover new collections as they become available. Cataloguing and digitisation of the collections is ongoing and new material will be added to RCSI Digital Heritage Collections on a regular basis.

RCSI Student Newsletters

First annual report of Council cover page

Annual Reports of RCSI Council

Abraham Colles Papers

Sir Charles Cameron Papers

Emily Winifred Dickson Papers

William Wallace Papers

Douglas W. Montgomery Papers

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