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RCSI Registers of Licentiates and Fellowships

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: RCSI College Archive


Ledger listing the names of candidates examined by RCSI during the period 1785-1803, comprising the earliest known record of students and examination candidates at RCSI. Handwritten entries are listed alphabetically by surname per page, and appear chronologically from earliest to latest examined within each alphabetical list. Full surnames are typically provided followed by an abbreviation of candidate's forename brackets. Register also includes, in columns corresponding to each named candidate: the category of examination undertaken, whether the candidate was passed or rejected, and the date of examination. Register lists various categories of examination for civilian and military positions, including: Letters Testimonial, Surgeon/Surgeoncy, Assistant Surgeon, Army Surgeon, Army Mate, and Navy Mate.


Register of candidates admitted to Fellowships and Honorary Fellowships during the period 1864-2008. Names arranged roughly alphabetically by letter and listed chronologically within each letter according to date of fellowship from earliest to latest. Honorary Fellows indicated by annotation. Pasted to front of volume include a printed 'Declaration on Admission' outlining the conditions under which candidates in receipt of a Fellowship agree to abide. Also brief handwritten list comprising candidates 'Removed from Fellowship', 'Lady Fellows Change of Name on Marriage', and 'Resigned Fellowship'. Pasted to rear of volume include a printed 'Declaration by a Fellow' outlining the conditions under which candidates in receipt of a Fellowship agree to abide, and typescript version of same as Gaeilge. Also several printed lists, with handwritten annotations, comprising applications from licentiates and students to be granted the Primary Fellowship by Resolutions of Council, March 29th and April 12th, 1900, in recognition of the Royal Visit to Ireland of Queen Victoria, as well as lists of successful candidates for same.


Two volumes containing details of individual RCSI Licentiates for the period 1828-1983. Details include the date on which a diploma or license was conferred, alongside the signature and address of each Licentiate (generally in the Licentiate's own hand). Comprises the most comprehensive known list of students undertaking examinations at RCSI for the award of the RCSI Licentiate, spanning a period of over 150 years.


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